14 Valentine’s Books for Children

valentine's books

If your littles are like mine, they L-O-V-E to be read to. They have their favorite books, so usually its the same books night after night, day after day.  But I do, however, try to pull out some seasonal books to spice things up a bit! Valentine’s Day will be here in a couple weeks. The […]

10 Ways to Have Consistent Time with God as a Parent

consistent time with God

As a parent, I never seem to have enough time to get everything done. Some days I consider it a victory when I get all the kids out of their PJs, manage to slap on some make-up, and everyone eats 3 complete meals. I’m constantly facing the tyranny of the urgent around the house and (sadly) […]

No More Tears: A Solution to Little Girls’ Tangled Hair

tangled hair

If the sight of a brush sends your little girl into tears, you are not alone. Decades Centuries of little girls have fought their moms and dads in the dreaded daily routine of brushing their tangled hair. It’s drama every.single.morning. And I hate the flood of tears that accompanies it. It breaks my heart. (And if you […]

Rosettes – A Swedish Cookie

Have you ever heard of Rosettes? Neither had I. Rosettes are a unique and special treat that remind me a lot of tiny funnel cakes. And who doesn’t like funnel cakes? Why limit such a fun cookie to only Christmas time?! Rosettes originated in Sweden; however, many other countries utilized the recipe and made it their […]

What To Do When You Miss a Day of Your Devotional

when you miss a day of your devotional

Don’t you hate it when you miss a day of your devotional. I know I do. I get so frustrated with myself. Why did I start something that I could not finish? I just wanted to get on a good rhythm. Grrrr. (Ok. Phew. Glad I got that out.) Since January 1, our family has […]

10 Tips for Intentional Parenting in the New Year

“I’m easily distracted and extremely intentional.” I once read this on a friend’s profile. It struck a chord within me and to this day I come back to the idea of being intentional. We only have so many days on this Earth, so why not be intentional? Especially when it comes to how we parent. […]