5 Life Lessons Learned in Shiloh’s First 2 Weeks

When we experience big changes in life, we should reflect more. Let’s look at 5 Life Lessons Learned in Shiloh’s First 2 Weeks:


1. Life is Unpredictable

I already knew this to some extent but “Whoa!” am I daily learning it more and more now. No matter what we expect each day, there are always changes. Shiloh wakes early, eats late, or sleeps longer. Sometimes its our fault (ie keeping her awake to cuddle longer). We are trying to plan better not only for the expected but for the unexpected. This helps us to live with less rigidity, more flexibility, and most importantly an adaptable spirit.


2. I’m Selfish

Before children you think life is busy, hectic, tough. With our first child we are getting a small glimpse of how selfish we are (especially me, Brad). Why is it that I think about myself so much? Why is it that others aren’t the first thing on my mind? I know I’m not the only one with this issue. We all want things our way. We want to feel in control. The reality is that we are not. Shiloh has helped me to see how selfish I am. Thanks Shi-shi.

3. If Daddy’s Rested, He’s Doing Something Wrong

A friend of ours named Lucas told me this quote that our mutual friend Chris said. I think Chris is right. In the first couple weeks of a child’s life, if the dad is well rested, he’s probably doing something wrong. Sure we are exhausted at times. But we love waking up to take care of this little human being named Shiloh. When you see all that your wife goes through to bring your child into the world and then to sustain your child, you realize the least you can do is lose lots of sleep.


4. All Couples Should Take Walks Together

Life gets busy. Tasks pile up. Exercise goes out the door. Taking walks with Lindsey reinvigorates me physically, emotionally, and relationally (plus we can take Shiloh too). It’s amazing how well we connect when we eliminate the other distractions in life and talk as a couple. Couples should have more prolonged conversations as a couple. We connect better that way. We take care of ourselves physically by exercising when we walk. We give one another focused attention that allows our brains to disconnect from other people/work/email/texting/FB/twitter/laundry/etc.


5. Children Teach Us Much About God

Each day I fall more in love with my daughter. I would give anything for her. I’ve cried more during times with her than with any other friend/family member (other than Lindsey). It would be unbearable for me imagine seeing someone kill her. Yet that is what God the Father did when He sent Jesus. Crazy how anyone could do that! Oftentimes I feel shame and guilt because of my sin, like I’m a bad person. But God sees my sin through the lens of Christ. In other words, without Christ, He would see me as a bad person. But in Christ, He sees a whole, lovable, redeemed, and forgiven person. When I look at Shiloh, I likewise think that it seems impossible to ever not love her or see her as a bad person. It does seem impossible that anyone could love her more than Lindsey and I love her…but God does.


Fascinating…I sat down to write 5 Life Lessons and now I have more swirling in my head. For now I guess I should remember my own lesson, life sure is unpredictable.


  • http://www.blogger.com/profile/07122809047700375935 Angela

    Love it. Love the pictures. 🙂 I never knew I was selfish (duh..hint,hint) until I had children! Shows just how well I thought of myself! Ugh. Anyway, thank God for sending me little tools to chip away some of my awfulness. Children are indeed blessings…in more ways than we know! 🙂 Glad you three are having so much fun. Can't wait to see her!Angie