Uruguayan Birthdays

Uruguayans know how to celebrate a birthday. For example, at the first birthday party we went to here there was a cake that literally had a fountain of fire coming out of it.  After blowing out the candles (some of them were trick candles I think), everyone had various desserts filled with a caramel type […]

A Whole New World

From the title of the post, you can guess what we’re talking about. Life is different here. Each day we are reminded of how different WE are. Here are a few examples of who this is a whole new world: – When we get a new bill, we realize that we need cash on hand, […]

You Looking at Me?!

You know that feeling when it feels like everyone you walk by stares at you intently and you get really self-conscious–not knowing what they are staring at? You feel like turning around and saying “are you looking at me?!” I’ve felt that way numerous ways this past week. It’s not the sort of look that […]

Uruguay’s Exchange Rate and Inflation

In the past 12 months, we’ve watched the exchange rate (US Dollar to Uruguayan Peso) and inflation numbers closely. Why? Life in Uruguay gets more expensive by the day. Uggh! It isn’t a deal breaker at all. It is a good reason for anyone moving abroad to plan well and prepare for things that are […]

A Safety Rubric for Studying Abroad: A Case Study of Spain and Mexico

Recently we were contacted by a college student who is looking to study abroad. She was looking at Mexico vs. Spain. She had some great questions and concerns. As we’ve served in both areas, we thought we’d share a safety rubric of what recommendations we have for people studying abroad–what to consider and what to look […]

A New Language: Spanglish

Today we received an interesting forward about the interesting interactions between the English and Spanish languages. If you have any previous experience with Spanglish or Spanish at all you’ll probably find this interesting, funny, and surprising in some ways. I’m routinely fascinated by the ongoing effects of globalization. Nuevo Idioma La vida ya no es […]