10 Tips for Intentional Parenting in the New Year

“I’m easily distracted and extremely intentional.” I once read this on a friend’s profile. It struck a chord within me and to this day I come back to the idea of being intentional. We only have so many days on this Earth, so why not be intentional? Especially when it comes to how we parent. […]

The Essence of Epiphany


Growing up, we always left our Christmas tree up through Epiphany (January 6th). I could never fully understand why. For a young child, Christmas was over after the 25th. However, now that I’m older I have a better grasp of the essence of Epiphany. And it’s important that we continue to share the importance of […]

5 Challenges of Post-Christmas Parenting

Post-Christmas Parenting

Christmas time is here gone. Can you believe it? You may have already cleared out your tree and decorations this weekend. Or maybe you’re waiting until the new year. Regardless, your home and family find themselves in a transition. Transition means change and with it comes many challenges. Upon reflection the past few days, here’s […]

Advent Study – Truth in the Tinsel

Every year I look for a good advent study to do with my kids. This year I’m going to give “Truth in the Tinsel” a try. I’ve seen it advertised throughout the years and finally decided to get it this year. There are a few things I love about this study: Crafts The lessons are based […]

Top 5 Posts from Around the Web – All about Motherhood


This week I have put together a list of posts all about motherhood. As a new mom of 3, our house can be a little chaotic at times. I found these blogs encouraging and challenging as I seek to be the best mom I can be for my three kiddos. 1. When Satan Steals Your Motherhood […]