Puff Paint DIY

It’s been a rainy week here…and in our household, that usually translates into Craft Day.

This week we tried out some Puff Paint projects and had a blast. It was perfect for my 4 year old and easy (and cheap!) to make!


What You’ll Need To Make Puff Paint:
– Flour
– Salt
– Water
Coloring gels or Food Coloring
– Cardboard or Cardstock
– Q-tips or paint brushes
Prep bowls, cupcake pans or ice cube trays



Prep the Puff Paint:

1. In a small bowl mix equal parts flour and salt. I would suggest starting with 1/2 C. of each and you will have more than enough for your project.

2. Once mixed, add tiny bits of water to form a paste. You don’t want it uber-thick, but also not runny.

3. Then, divide the mixture into small bowls. You can choose however many different colors you want.

NOTE: I like to use ice cube trays to reduce the spillage-factor. For multiple kids, prep bowls may be better, in order to share easily around the table. 


4. Color your “paint” with the coloring gels/food coloring.

I like the gels because the colors are so vibrant and you don’t have to use much at all. 

5. Paint your cardboard using Q-Tips, paint brushes, or fingers!

I always keep a cardboard scraps collection made from boxes, cereal boxes, toilet paper rolls, etc. 

6. Once the masterpiece is perfected, put your art in the microwave for 30 seconds, making sure your little ones have a front-row view of the growing paint.

7. Repeat until attention wears out!

This kept my 4-year occupied for at least an hour (including her helping me make the paint and mix the puff paint!).


Ideas for what to create:
– Birthday Cards
– Name plates
– Flowers
– Suns
– Letters
– Even handprints! (Yes, every craft project of ours ends up with a handprint of some sort. It’s an obsession with my 4 year old to get her hands dirty!)


FREE Download: Craft Supply Labels Sheet
craft box storage labels free giveaway lindseybridges.com
Finding time to do crafts is hard enough. We hope this free craft supply label sheet gets you started and/or saves you time. 
  • Alicia*

    Great idea! We’ve decided this is going to be a crafty, creative weekend at our house. This will be a great project for us to try. And the microwaving will be added fun. 🙂

    • http://www.lindseybridges.com Lindsey Bridges

      Awesome. Your girls will probably get really creative with it. I was having a blast too. Enjoy!